Toxicity – Who Has It? And How to Detoxify Safely?

By Dr. Jane Murray The concept of people having “disease” may be all wrong! Much of the chronic “disease” we see today results from the effects of toxins in our world on our intricate internal biochemistry. Our bodies want to maintain balance at all times. Some of the health problems we know are related to …

Summer Eating

The equinoxes and solstices of the year mark definite power releases on Earth and are the high points of the year. Overall well-being and balance is enhanced when living in closer connection with the cycles of nature. Summer is the natural season of growth and maturation. We see it everywhere – flowers, fruits and vegetables. …

The Rear View and the Road Ahead for Menopause Goddess

by Lynette Sheppard It’s that time again – time to peek back at the year coming to a close and to look ahead to creating a brand new year. I used to forget to look back at how much I had accomplished, enjoyed, and lived each year. I was much too focused on what …

Dr. Murray’s New Book

Women in Balance congratulates Jane Murray, MD on her hard work, wisdom and dedication to the health of others!  We are proud to feature the long awaited arrival of… Be The Change:  Transforming Health Care From the Inside Out by Jane Murray, MD “A must-read for every American who wants to be healthier and receive …

The Amazing Hormones of the Thyroid

Typically discussion of hormones and women leads right to the sex hormones, especially estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.  Equally as important to body balance are the often forgotten thyroid hormones.  Understanding how they work and what to do when they are out-of-balance can help you feel brand new again! Thyroid The thyroid hormones are the master …