Preventing Chronic Disease for Longevity

The top three leading causes of death for American women as reported by the CDC are all mostly preventable chronic diseases.*  Here they are in order of occurrence. Heart Disease Cancer Chronic airway disease This is in contrast to 100 years ago, when the top three causes of death were Pneumonia,  Tuberculosis and Diarrhea–all infectious …

National Women’s Health Week

May 12-18 is National Women’s Health Week.  This is a weeklong health observance coordinated by the US Department of Health and Human Services.  The initiative brings together business, communities, and health organizations to promote the importance of women’s health.  The goal is to “empower women to make their health a priority” and encourage them to …

Perimenopause: Menopause may be far off, but there are solutions to your symptoms now!

You’re not in menopause yet, you still get your period every month, but certain things are changing. You have weight gain in areas you never used to, you have episodes of insomnia, your so-called “PMS” is happening unpredictably and is sometimes more intense, libido is not what it once was. What’s happening? You’re in Perimenopause. …

Health Benefits of Gardening

Do you garden for pleasure, beauty, food or just because you love it? Many studies show the benefits of gardening, so either continue doing your favorite activity or it may be time to pick up the hobby. In fact, horticulture therapy (HT) is a modality that some hospitals use to help patients have fewer complications, …

You are what you eat

You are what you eat. As an expert in nutrition I get a lot of questions from patients, friends and family about food and health. March is national nutrition month, making it a great opportunity to spread the word about healthy eating habits.  This month we have two great articles on healthy eating, Eat to …