Menopause for Men? What every woman should know about Andropause

While the idea of “man-o-pause” may seem like the punch line of a joke, late-onset hypogonadism, or andropause at it is commonly called, is a concept gaining much attention in the medical field today. Andropause refers to the decline in testosterone that occurs as men age. This decline has been linked with many health problems …

The Skinny on Screening Exams

Prevention is the best treatment for disease.  In the words of one of my mentors, “would you wait and dig a well once the drought has started? No, you prepare for the drought by digging the well early.” Such is the fact with our health. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet is key to preventing …

An Apple a Day Can Keep Fractures Away

Bone loss is a common concern among most women and with legitimate reasons.  In the US, more than a million osteoporotic fractures occur each year.  More than half of these are spinal fractures, followed by the hip and wrist.  It is projected that by year 2050, the worldwide incidence of hip fractures will increase by …

Nutrients for Bone Health

Bones may appear like static pillars of stability, but they are actually intricate and dynamic networks of minerals and collagen with lively cells interspersed, called osteocytes, that maintain the balance of minerals both in our bones and in our blood. As women age, our bones naturally become more brittle, particularly after menopause, as osteocytes reabsorb …

Vitamin D and Prevention of Breast Cancer

Vitamin D has been all the hype in the last ten years and there has been a multitude of studies done on this particular molecule. We already know that this vitamin is essential for strong bones and healthy immunity, but what about breast health? New information is emerging in the connection of vitamin and the …