Five Resolutions to Keep All Year

To be honest, I am not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions.  Don’t get me wrong: I am all for goal setting and making positive changes in your life, but there are just a few things about resolutions that concern me. New Year’s Resolutions tend to be big, life-altering goals: “I will go to the …

Seven Tips for a Slow Thyroid

January is Thyroid Awareness Month, a time when our attention is drawn to the delicate butterfly-shaped gland on the front of our necks that is one of the  key regulators of our body’s metabolism. The thyroid gland releases hormones that travel throughout the body and influence everything from weight loss to hair growth, digestion to …

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain or tension is probably one of the most misunderstood and complex medical issues of our times.  Very few practitioners have a full understanding of how to treat pelvic floor issues with respect to rehabilitation and other treatments outside of surgery.  In this article, we will discuss disorders that may cause pelvic pain and …

When Less is More: Exercising on a Time Budget

What if you could exercise for less than one hour per week and burn more fat and gain more health benefits than clocking in your daily long, grueling workout?  Sounds too good to be true, right?  Lucky for all busy or exercise-phobic people out there, the latest research begs to differ.  This seemingly magic bullet …

Balance Life Q and A with Dr Elise Schroeder: A Case of Interstitial Cystitis

Have you heard of bioidentical hormones helping someone with severe bladder pain? My condition has been diagnosed as Interstitial Cystitis.  I have had symptoms for 13 years.  It started right after I had my youngest daughter. My hormones are a wreck, and I can’t seem to get any help. My life is upside down because …