Preventing Bone Loss with HRT

Our bones are living growing tissue. The body is constantly building and breaking down the bone to keep them healthy and strong. Before the age of 30 the bones are at their peak strength, then we start to lose bone mass faster than the body replaces it. Overall risk for osteoporosis varies among individuals and …

Healthy Planet = Healthy You

“What we lose in our great human exodus from the land is a rooted sense, as deep and intangible as religious faith, of why we need to hold on to the wild and beautiful places that once surrounded us.”  Barbara Kingsolver, Small Wonder Many of us here in the Pacific Northwest have been busy enjoying …

From Menarche to Menopause

Dr. Elise Schroeder Lectures at Women’s Health Day NCNM Clinic From Menarche to Menopause: Definitions Adrenarche – Adrenarche happens between ages six and nine and is the start of puberty. During this time, the hormone DHEA, which is a precursor to estrogen and testosterone, is produced in increasingly large amounts. This triggers the beginning of puberty. …

Does This Bacteria Make Me Look Fat?

The microbial world within us and its link to obesity A patient I saw last week told me a story about being put on prophylactic antibiotics for recurrent bladder infections. Soon after taking this daily medicine she began to gain weight.  A lot of weight. In fact, over the next two years she gained over …

What’s the Soy Story?

The soybean has been considered one of the five sacred grains of China dating back to 2900 BC. Currently, the soybean has been cultivated extensively and is now the United State’s second largest export crop. The bean is widely known for its high protein (40%) and oil (20%) content. The soybean was one of first …