Daily “Steps” to Improving Menopausal Symptoms.

Exercise could be your first line of defense! Couldn’t sleep last night? Feeling the coffee is doing nothing for you? Feeling stressed and anxious for no apparent reason?  These are very common symptoms felt by millions of women experiencing menopause.  This milestone in a woman’s life is unavoidable. So how can you mitigate this challenge …

Balanced Advice Q & A: Hoping for Help with my Hoo Ha

Dear WIBI Doc I had a hysterectomy in 2011 and since then I have been having what I think is recurrent yeast infections.  I have consulted with several doctors and have not received any effective treatment recommendations.  Since my hysterectomy I have generally felt “out of balance”.  I’m just not sure how to get back …

Three Key’s to a Better Brain: Balanced Diet, Breaking a Sweat, and…Bacteria??!

Almost everyone experiences some degree of changes in memory and brain function as they age.  This can range from simply misplacing keys or taking longer to recall the name of the neighbor you run into at the grocery store, to more serious types of cognitive decline such as Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia.  …

Balanced Advice Q&A: Sorrowful Over Sagging Skin

At age 40, I was diagnosed with premature menopause. One of the biggest changes I have seen has been in the appearance of my skin.  I have tested my hormones and my estrogen comes back low, despite my estrogen replacement treatments.  I am devastated at the changes in my skin.  I have noticed wrinkles, dry …

Green Tea and Cervical Cancer

Green tea is a treatment gaining ground for cervical cancer.   Research is finding that a specific extract from green tea can reduce cervical cancer cell growth.  This extract, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (try saying that 10 times fast!), or also known as EGCG, is a powerful player in cervical cancer treatment.  EGCG is a potent antioxidant which is …