Saw Palmetto–Serenoa repens

Saw palmetto is an alterative herb, meaning that when it is used for treatment it will gradually restore bodily function and restore health and vitality. It is a member of the palmacea or palm family and is a low growing shrub. It grows abundantly in the southern United States. Historically saw palmetto was used as …

Why Your Doctor Wants You to Go Take a Hike

Around the world doctors are addressing diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, mood disorders, and more with an age-old prescription: Go to the mountains. What do you do when life gets stressful? As a medical student, there are weeks when I start to feel overwhelmed by all the study material, the tests, and the …

A Healthy Dinner for Men: Foods and nutrients for optimal men’s health

Men’s health is a subject often overlooked. Many American men have a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, which sets the stage for the development of several diseases including prostate health, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Good nutrition is vitally important for regeneration and repair, optimal metabolic functioning, and to prevent the development of …