Health Benefits vs. Risks of Fish Consumption

We’ve all heard about the benefits of Omega-3, EPA and DHA. But we’ve also heard about potential mercury toxicity from fish, and possibly dioxins and polychlorinated biphenols (PCBs), as well. With all of the conflicting information available today, some may decide to just avoid fish altogether. But the research shows that this may do more …

Falling in Love with Fiber

We all see advertisements on a regular basis for products that can help regulate and aid in digestion (e.g. prebiotics, probiotics and fiber supplements). But you might also wonder why you should pay attention to these particular nutrients. What makes them so vital to our health? Eating fibrous foods regularly lowers LDL cholesterol, regulates elimination, …

Love Your Heart: Four easy practices to give your heart and your body some TLC

February is all about your heart and not only because it is the host month of Valentine’s Day. February is American Heart Month, a declaration that was made by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 and one which serves as a perfect opportunity to check in on your heart’s health. Taking care of your heart …

Healthy Heart Habits 101: Exercise and Stress Reduction

February isn’t just for Valentine’s Day; it is also National Heart Month. If you’ve already lost track of your New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and live a happier and healthier lifestyle, then this is your time to recommit. But this shouldn’t be done just to look better; heart disease is the leading cause of death …