Balanced Advice Q&A: Sorrowful Over Sagging Skin

At age 40, I was diagnosed with premature menopause. One of the biggest changes I have seen has been in the appearance of my skin.  I have tested my hormones and my estrogen comes back low, despite my estrogen replacement treatments.  I am devastated at the changes in my skin.  I have noticed wrinkles, dry …

Vitamin D and Prevention of Breast Cancer

Vitamin D has been all the hype in the last ten years and there has been a multitude of studies done on this particular molecule. We already know that this vitamin is essential for strong bones and healthy immunity, but what about breast health? New information is emerging in the connection of vitamin and the …

Sunscreen Solutions: Do You Know What Is In Your Sunscreen?

Not all sunscreens are created equal. Many popular sunscreens do not protect from UVA rays, the most damaging of the sun’s rays.  Some sunscreens may protect you in the short term, but break down in the sunlight, leaving the skin exposed and unprotected.  May of the sunscreens on the market contain chemicals that can affect …

Manage Your Stress or Your Stress Will Manage You

You wake up to a raging alarm clock.  When reaching over to turn it off, you realize you have hit the snooze button three times in a semi-conscious haze.  Running late for work, you jump out of bed, skip breakfast, and run out the front door. How many of us can relate to the above …

Five Things you Should Ask your Doctor at Your Annual Checkup

Your annual well woman exams are one of the most important visits to the doctor you will make. It is your opportunity to have your doctor see you as a whole person and to ensure that you are on the right track towards health and well being. To get the most of this visit, it …